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Related article: held position and made ^ood their retreat. Then, once more in ti^ history Vigora Price of the war, no attempt at pursuit could be made. Xhe con- dition of the bad and -worn-out horses forbade it. We have told of some of the principal occasions on which cavalry has been able to take its legitimate part in South Africa. None of them could be called in any way exemplary, but they were all sufficiently suggestive. When it has become necessary to mount a lancer or a dragoon on a wretched, ill-conditioned Sooth American pony, it is somewhat hard to blame the arme blanche be- cause its power has not been shown. A good horse is essential to the cavalryman, and, if circum- stances deprive him of his horse, he becomes a nonentity, and lance and sword cannot possibly have any value. No one would think of depreciating the rifle as a weapon, if by some terrible mis- chance blank cartridges were served out for use in battle. Every Buy Vigora Online cavalry soldier who has served in South Africa has, we believe, Vigora Tablets seen chance after chance, Vigora 5000 such as he had always hoped for, pass away without profit; and why ? because the horses were not fit to gallop. It is for our army's administration to take care that such a state of things does not occur in any future war. If it does, England may have cause for Generic Vigora bitter sorrow. C. Stbin. I90I.] 407 A Working L.B.W. Majority. I N the House of Commons of 670 members, the majority by which the late meeting of M.C.C. en- dorsed the recommendation of their committee, re the alteration of the l.b.w. law, would come out as nearly as possible at the figure of Cheap Vigora 87. The actual majority ob- tained at Lord's was 71 upon a total vote of 447 members present. It may, therefore, be fairly called a large majority, clearly indicating the opinion of the premier cricket club in the old world. The judg- ment of Australia, moreover, was fairly indicated by replies which had been received from Messrs. Trumble, Macleod, Graham and other leading cricketers, to the circular letters which had been addressed to various clubs in the antipodes for the purpose of elicit- ing their opinions. The substance of these was read out at the M.C.C. meeting, only one reply in the con- trary sense having been received by the secretary, Mr. Lacey. The majority at Lord's would undoubtedly have reached the required two- thirds for the alte- ration of a law of cricket but for the attitude— it might almost be said the hostile attitude — assumed by Lord Hawke and other prominent cricketers of the present day. Even the strong- est supporters of the proposed Vigora Online change could hardly wish to win — although they certainly did not wish to lost — at the cost of any- thing like a rebuff to the county captains Vigora Oil and centurions of the day. Accordingly, many private opinions were doubtless quietly sunk and yielded ; and about 100 members present at the proceed- ings would appear to have retired without voting. Be this as it may, the fact re- mains that the M.C.C. Vigora 100 Tablets has ex- pressed its view by a clear and considerable majority; and we may proceed to analyse its au- thority, and the due measure of weight to be attached to it. It is true that primd facie^i.e^y upon the rather large and ignorant assumption that only those who are actually engaged in the cricket arena can judge best about it — there is the fact that the century- makers and batsmen of the day (as might indeed have been ex- pected) are nearly to a man against change ; and that, there- fore, as batsmen are in the very large majority in every eleven, and, moreover, as professionals {fwt gentlemen) as a rule do the bowling, and, moreover, do not vote in the pavilion at Lord's, then, upon the above assumption, there is perhaps Vigora 100 no case. But a little consideration — and in this matter 'ossessed in 1893 as a player. Apply the same principle mutatis mutatidis to the proposer of the resolution, the renowned Cambridge- Middlesex- All - England - wicket - keeper (Mr. Alfred Lyttelton), who played first-class cricket about a decade previous to Mr. Shuter*s time. Surely these two gentlemen pos- sess to the fall all the attributes of Buy Vigora first-class judges Order Vigora — one might say they are Lord Chief Justices — of the game ! Go a step higher to Mr. Lyttelton*s distinguished brother, C. G. L. (now Lord Cobham) and Mr. R. A. H. Mit- chell, the latter of whom may be said to have been both student and professor of cricket ever since his Eton XI. days, and where can higher or better, more practical or more erudite, authority be found ? And even, if you mount up yet another decade Vigora 50 to the period of Mynn, Pilch, Felix and Harvey Fellows — we were glad to hear that quondam express bowler speaking up for an "open wicket "